I know plenty of people who hate Sunday night because of the looming
Monday morning
Does this sound like you?
Yeah, maybe it’s because you don’t like your job
Maybe you always have a meeting on Monday
The kids are tough to get going on Monday
Whatever the case, it has you dreading it.
What can you do?
Well it starts with Sunday that will set the tone for Monday morning
Tuesday morning
Wednesday morning
and on to the end of the week.
This isn’t a new concept but I know most don’t apply it.
Those who do are very successful in all aspects of life.
So, what do successful people do on Sunday?
Well it’s a tool that I use with my FitDad program.
We plan out our mornings to take care of ourselves first.
Not one bit
Selfish would be not taking care of yourself first but then thinking about doing it the rest of
the day when you are suppose to be “present” with family, friends, and at work.
What do I get done before I start working on Monday morning and every other morning?
1. Fueled my body with a protein greens shake (1 min to make less than 5 to drink)
2. Read a book that opens up my thinking to something different (5-15mins)
3. Meditated for 5 mins focusing on breathing exercises (this is my first of at least 2 daily meditations)
4. Stretch/ foam roll (5-10mins) sometimes in the shower, stretching not foam rolling
So simple in fact that most people I tell don’t even try it. The thinking is that something
that easy can’t make that big of a difference I will just sleep the extra 30 mins.
The mind discounts the simple. We live in a world where if it isn’t complicated or tough that
it can’t be good for me.
Wrong Wrong Wrong
I have tested this many ways.
I made it more complex, tried to add a few more steps more time etc
I tried to do it after my first appt of the day
I tried to do it after I finished my morning schedule
Never does it work as well when I do it first thing.
I start my day without stress
I start my day without feeling anxious
I feel accomplished already
I feel strong
I feel clear
I feel wide awake
I feel in power
I am taking action as opposed to just reacting the entire day to outside influences.
You know what I mean
Opening email first thing in the morning hoping there’s no bad news or fires to put out at work.
Hoping there aren’t any traffic problems
Hoping that your employees show up on time
Hoping that your kids cooperate (well Stacy and I do hope for this everyday somewhat out of our control, lol)
Hope is not a plan
The act of knowing on Sunday night what I am starting my day with sets the tone for my sleep
Sets the tone for my morning and the rest of my day
In turn it makes Monday my Bitch.
I don’t let the case of the Monday’s nonsense dictate my day or life.
That is weak. That is a choice to be weak.
Does my morning power routine mean that my Monday is going to be perfect and awesome?
No, but it definitely has a better chance of being good because I know I took care of me first.
Proactive start
Reactive start
I don’t share my routine to impress you but to impress upon you with the new year upon us. Yes, 3 weeks away! That if you are someone who dreads Sunday night because of what’s coming that maybe you put some of the pieces into play for yourself. Or choose for yourself a routine that puts you in power for the day.
“But Doug I am so tired in the morning.”
Yeah me too that ‘s why I do the above.
“But I am not a morning person.”
You are what you say you are and if you want a better life then you have to be willing to do something different that you aren’t currently doing.
The morning before everyone else is bidding for your time is your only chance that is guaranteed to be without interruption.
Take advantage of YOUR time.
There is only one thing guaranteed each day is we are getting closer to the end. This holds true for everyone. Take advantage of your time in order to be as productive as possible every waking hour so you can spend your free time doing the things that matter to you and your family.
If you look at it that way
With a sense of urgency in your life
That extra 30 mins of sleep isn’t that big of a deal
People spend many of their days as if they are coming back tomorrow
Your time is the most valuable commodity that you own
Don’t spend it stressed, anxious, afraid, in doubt, angry.
What if this was your last Monday morning?
Would you have slept in?
I pray that we all have thousands of Mondays left
And I am look forward to each one
Coach “Mornings are Mine” Doug
P.S. If you are a Dad looking to create a morning power routine then email me back subject line Power Routine and let’s talk to get you set up. Anyone else looking for help in the same arena subject line Manic Monday.
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