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Evolve Personal Fitness | What are you Chasing?
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What are you Chasing?

What are you Chasing?

If you follow me on FB then this email is piggy backing on a post I had the other day If you aren’t following me then this will be your first time hearing this and you should then follow me on FB for my daily insights.
Ok, so the title was
What are you Chasing?
The thrill of the chase is real
We become more motivated, focused, determined when we are working towards a specific outcome/ goal.
Think back to how many times you started a new diet or workout routine b/c you had a vacation coming up?
How about your wedding or friend’s wedding?
How about at work?  Chance for a promotion or bonus, you start buckling down even more, putting in the extra hours.  Making sure the boss knows you are busting your ass.
All because of an end goal or reward
So, why do you not set goals or trips or rewards for yourself throughout the year?  Instead of just once a year
Think about how much more motivated you are on Monday’s when there is a goal
How you start making the right decisions
Decisions that are in line with your goal
Choices which were difficult without a goal now become a no brainer
Now do you have to chase a vacation or more money?
But, there has to be at least ONE thing that you want to get better at or accomplish
That is what you should chase
Instead of what you are doing now
Hoping it gets better or changes
So, here is what I am proposing.
Get a goal in mind
And if you want help with it, I want to help hold you specifically accountable.
What does that mean?
Well normally to work with me it requires 2 things your watch and your wallet.
Time and Money
But for right now I am only requiring your time and effort.
If you do what I ask
On time
Then I keep working with you towards your goal
If you don’t do your work, no hard feelings, but you are out.
I only want to work with those who really are committed to improving.
Those who are not offended by the truth
Those who aren’t going to make excuses
You don’t need to be a member of the gym
Just reading this email is enough to get you the opportunity
Men and Women or Couples all welcome
What’s in it for me? You ask…
Reps Reps Reps
I have plans to take the process that I am going to use with those who are willing to step up and bring it to all who want to utilize it in the future.
Are you ready to CHASE?!
Send me an email and we will run together!
your coach Doug
P.S.  If you ever thought “I wish I had someone to hold me accountable”  it doesn’t get any easier than this.  LETS GO!

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