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Evolve Personal Fitness | Answer This Question….
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Answer This Question….

Answer This Question….

I have been using a new technique to help my son Roy with understanding the consequences of his actions.
Not sure why this hadn’t dawned on me sooner but I simply ask him a question in this format,
“Roy please answer this question with a yes or no.”
You see I found myself asking him “why” he was doing the things he was doing.  Even though I knew better that a 4 year old can’t always express his “why”
By rephrasing the question in terms that he can answer every time we can get to the root of the problem and he can understand that his choices whether good or bad have a direct correlation to his happiness or sadness.
So, if you have been on this email list for a while you can guess where I am going with this method.
That’s right, how can you ask yourself questions in the same manner?
Did you sweat today?  Yes or No
Did you meal prep this week?  Yes or No
Did you drink your required water? Yes or No
Did you get enough sleep? Yes or No
Are you blaming everyone else for your struggles? Yes or No
Are you taking the role of the victim with those struggles? Yes or No
Are you in control of your thoughts, actions, emotions? Yes or No
Are you present with your family? Yes or No
Are you still making effort to keep your relationship with your spouse strong? Yes or No
Are you taking your relationships for granted? Yes or No
It becomes a flow chart of questions.
If yes, then the next question is _______ ?
If no, then the next question is ________?
So forth and so on
Maybe none of these questions apply to you
Maybe some do
Maybe you have your own to answer
But regardless once you answer any questions
with complete honesty
You have the answer
The answer to what is holding you back from making the progress you desire.
I get it
No one wants to face what is really the problem because it makes us feel bad about ourselves.
Obviously when I ask Roy a question that I know the answer to and he says the opposite it’s not because he is being deceitful its because he knows the answer as well and it hurts to admit the truth.
How does the saying go?  The truth hurts sometime.
It only hurts if you continue to deny it.  Accepting the truth of your struggles will set you free.
Free of  stress
…the lie that everything is ok.
Guess what it’s ok that everything isn’t ok.
But we get lulled into the world of social media that everything is perfect for everyone else which makes us feel bad about our truths.  Guess what??
Everyone struggles with something
Myself included.  I struggle with food, injury, time management as a business owner, husband, father, self motivation, sleep, writing emails, the list goes on.
Is it everyday that I struggle with these things, no.  But our lives are an evenflow of actions, feelings, emotions.  So, yes there are long stretches of no struggle for me but struggle will still show up.
But the way I keep my struggles to the short term is I ask myself the questions that I know I need to be honest about because they will set me free.
Free so I can set a course of action to get to where I want to be.
Will you ask yourself the questions you need to ask yourself?
coach Doug

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