Freddy Krueger and the Normal
I love scary movies
Freddy was definitely one of my favorites when I was a kid
but more on him later
Had a great conversation with my Empire group the other day.
My Empire group is a mentorship group I am a part of that consist of
other fitness business professionals.
The topic of conversation was, “what is normal?”
Now this topic couldn’t have been timed any better.
You see I was having kind of a blah couple of days.
You know the kind of days that you just don’t feel excited about much
Some extra stress
Disconnected from the people around you
Kind of going through the motions
As I was looking at my lack of enthusiasm thinking to myself,
“what is going on with you?”
“what is missing to get things rolling?”
We broached the topic during our meeting of this exact feeling.
Guess what it’s normal
It’s normal to be stressed
It’s normal to be anxious
It’s normal to over amplify your mistakes or losses and forget about the wins
You see it’s mindset on how you look at your situation
I had lost sight of the wins and was only focusing on my lack of wins the last 2 days
I was so focused on helping everyone else around me I lost sight of what I needed to do to help me.
Just having the conversation and being reassured that where I was is normal
shifted my mindset.
That is probably the biggest part of being a part of a group like that.
(Guys, I have an opportunity for you to be part of a group just like this one.COMING SOON!! FIT DAD ACADEMY)
So, I decided to do something to take care of me. Very simple booked a massage.
Without naming where I went but it rhyme’s with collage bevy.
I got set up with a therapist who I had not used before for 90 mins of regeneration.
Unfortunately, she is related to Freddy Krueger.
Never in my life had a left a massage and had scratch marks on my body. I thought she was actually trying to hurt me for some reason.
Nonetheless, I made the attempt to help myself, which was the point. And even though it didn’t
turn out how I would have liked there was still a sense of relief to do something for me.
So, I ask you, when was the last time you took some time to do something for you?
It’s easy to get caught up in work, family, kids, spouse but don’t forget about you.
Oh yeah, even though it’s normal to get caught up it in the busyness of life you control your NORMAL.
coach “normal” Doug
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