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Evolve Personal Fitness | Triggered By A Facebook Troll
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Triggered By A Facebook Troll

Triggered By A Facebook Troll

Yes, you read that correctly
I was triggered/ pissed off by a random guy on FB who made a comment on
one of my video posts for FitDad Academy.
I don’t know him
I don’t have any friends in common
But nonetheless his comment raised my blood pressure for a few minutes yesterday.
I took a step back and looked at the whole picture
The comment was in relation to a spelling error that I made
So, to some extent he was right.
Was I pissed because I got called out on something that I hate when I do it?
Was I pissed because I don’t know this guy and who is he to point out a minuscule mistake?
Was I pissed at FB spellcheck for not catching the mistake?
Then it dawned on me
I triggered him first
Here is the video https://vimeo.com/190198204
The video was about honesty.
Being honest with yourself first in order to be honest with others in order to move forward in all
aspects of your life.
My guess is this video probably pointed out some things he is currently doing in his life and it
triggered a negative response.
So, in order to make himself feel better he made a snide remark about my spelling error.
When I first read it, I wanted to react and challenge him with “I suppose you have never made a spelling error,” and incite some sort of keyboard tough guy argument.
But once I realized that I triggered him first and this was his way of feeling better I simply responded with
“Thanks for the spell check!”
With the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday approaching and the crazy black Friday shopping you will no doubt be triggered by family and strangers.
I will have you consider that if you come into any situation with a negative mindset, stressed, anxious that your energy will probably trigger someone first.  They then whether intentional or not trigger you right back.
Do your best to step away and see the big picture.  Is what is triggering me now have anything to do with me or is this person just being being mean to be mean?
Regardless you have the ability to control your energy, reaction, or no action to allow you to be happy.
Read that again
You and you alone control your energy, reaction, no action, your HAPPINESS!
Don’t let minuscule actions from others ruin your holiday experience.
coach “I need an editor” Doug


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