Well we had the first ever (probably last) Evolve Movie night this past Saturday. Much to the dismay of those who voted to educate young Ben and Sean on some of the finer films of the 90’s it didn’t go as planned.
A Few Good Men last about 30 mins, to detailed a story line apparently, which led to Predator. Did make it to the credits of Predator but I believe most checked out after Arnold yelled, “Get to the Chopper!”
Well movie night led to some music, which led to the Cupid Shuffle in the kitchen, and eventually to more dancing later at local watering hole that was playing 80’s music. Even though movie night didn’t go down as planned it was still a good time had by all.
Saturday night was also the 4 yr anniversary of a morning I will never forget. It was the morning that I fell victim to being hit by a drunk driver while at a stop light.
I am grateful that my injuries were not as severe as they could have been but they still flare up every once in a while. Which is why I am so grateful for the knowledge that is available today. Knowledge that let me fix myself without having to go the route of surgery.
You see after the accident my back, hips, neck were all affected. Every morning was difficult getting moving and I was very limited in terms of training for years.
I would start to feel good then revert back to being in pain. That would lead to me never really getting ahead physically. It wasn’t until I committed to a process. A process of reaching out to those within my network and researching out to those who I respected to build a routine to fix my body.
Now, with consistency to the process, my body hasn’t moved or felt better in years. In fact it was a great reminder Saturday, oddly enough dancing, that would probably had not been possible just a few years back.
Here at the gym myself and the coaches were talking about how many people have nagging pain day to day. We do our best to work with them as individually as we can but sometimes it’s just not enough. That is why we have developed a 6 week program to help people develop a plan to get out of pain!
This Out of Pain Program or O.P.P. will kick off in December and we will be offering it as one of our Black Friday Specials.
So, if you yourself are in pain day to day, but it’s not bad enough to see a doc, this is for you.
Or if you have seen a doc or like me had surgery but you keep chalking the pain up to that, this is for you.
You don’t have to give in and say, “it’s old age.”
You can feel better and move better.
It just takes knowledge and a commitment to want to feel better and dance more!
coach “footloose” Doug
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