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Evolve Personal Fitness | You Can’t Account for This…But you Should
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You Can’t Account for This…But you Should

You Can’t Account for This…But you Should

Analyzing Data
Creating a Plan
Implementation of the Plan
Pushing to Launch
Complete implosion seconds off the ground
This is exactly what happened with my short lived Vetta Sports Partnership
Shame because I still feel that our system would work at their facility
But what I couldn’t account for was
“You can’t make people do what they don’t want to do.”
I created a flow chart of what and when action items needed to be done and I knew one action item in particular would be tough for them to implement.
It would consist of them having a meeting with one of their instructors and making him change the structure of his class.
They never did it
Therefore, making our program which you would have to pay for, not needed by anyone.
I can’t make them do what they don’t want to do
They gave me the impression that they were all in
They started out all in
But when push came to shove they jumped out of the pool faster than me doing a polar plunge.
I get it
I have been there numerous times
Everything sounds great on paper
Even starts to work great
Then the real work has to begin
And I realize I wasn’t really committed to doing what was required to get the job done.
Am I pissed that this partnership didn’t work?
Disappointed because like I said it would work
If the difficult was done early
And there was full commitment
Have you ever been disappointed with someone who said they were going to do one thing, then never followed through?
Did you get pissed?
How did it feel?
Have you ever been “All In” then completely bailed as soon as the real work kicked in?
I bet you have, if you say you haven’t, hats off.
But, You can’t get mad at someone for doing the exact same thing that you have done yourself.
​​​​​​​Kind of makes you a hypocrite, right?
Remember that next time a situation like this arises
Have you acted the same way as the person who is pissing you off is currently acting?
All you can do is ask, What is their hesitation?  What is their fear?
But remember you can’t make anyone do what they don’t want to do.
Your coach

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