Promises, Promises, Promises
We all do it
Make promises to people
Hopefully more times than not you follow through with your promises
I know you do your best
But there is one person that you constantly break your promise too.
You don’t do it to be mean
You don’t do it because you don’t care about them
Life gets busy with all that you have going on day to day
It’s easy to let this person get lost in the shuffle
I know I have broken a promise to them before
That broken promise has definitely damaged my relationship with them
The person that promises get broken with the most often is
The question is, how do you fix that relationship going forward?
We are nearly 90 days into this new year
1/4 done
How is that promise of working out going?
How is that promise of sticking to your nutrition going?
How is that promise of expanding your knowledge for your job or building a new career?
With every broken promise we damage our self-esteem
We get disappointed in ourselves
We begin to not trust ourselves when it comes to making change
The revolving door of, “I’ll skip it today and do twice as much tomorrow.”
becomes the new motto
So, we in turn stay stuck within our own status quo
I get it, I’ve done it as well in one or more areas of my life.
But what changed for me is that I got brutally honest with myself
It wasn’t easy to admit that I needed someone to hold me accountable to myself
but I’ll be damn if it didn’t work.
I hired a coach to help me reach my goals but making sure I didn’t break that
to myself.
By doing so I have been able to see many errors in my ways because I am forced to
grow outside of my status quo. He won’t let me stay there and if I begin to fall back into
old habits he calls me on my bullshit.
That’s what I am here to do for you in one way or another
Push you if you want to be pushed
Call you on your bullshit
But don’t get mad if I try to make sure you don’t break that promise to yourself 🙂
So, let’s make some promises
I am taking appts for strategy sessions (basically sit down and meet with me make promises to yourself)
for next week. Just reply to this email that you want to meet and I will send you some times.
Let’s find out what it’s going to take to get you to where you want to be.
Ignore this offer for more accountability and lie to yourself that you don’t need it.
Remember the promises you made Jan 1, it’s almost April 1, time is a ticking.
coach “I promise you” Doug
P.S. Special shout out to Amanda Martinez, this young lady made a promise to herself and to me that she was going to step on stage over a year ago. And this past weekend she did just that. Even though it would have been easy to quit many times and no one would have thought any different of her because of the difficulty of what she embarked on. She didn’t, she kept her word to herself. Congrats Amanda! I couldn’t be more proud of you!
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